Free Poker Money Online just started!
Its with great pleasure that I would like to annouce the start of my new site -
I have been working on this for the past weeks and that its why you havent seen me so active on my tuktuk blog.
My new site will have all the components from my tuktuk poker model idea and more. Im starting with a promotion on Titan where I give free $30 + I give back unlimited $10 for each 1000 titan points. With this you would have an opportunity to get free money as you play for the rest of your poker career. This is something nobody else is doing!
Im starting off with Titan but Im currently discussion with all other major poker sites to see what can be done similiar to my tuktuk poker model. The intention will always be to find the best way to play poker for free online.
So what does that mean for the tuktuk blog? Nothing! I will of course continue promoting my tuktuk model based on pokerstrategy and you can continue registering using my step by step guide.
What you might see diferent is that I will finally have some advertisment on my tuktuk blog for my new site :)
I would love to receive your feedback to my new site! Please send me your comments.
All the best,
Tuk Unlimited free money to play poker online

1 comment:
nice blog and website) seems like your business is growing) keep it up.
good luck
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