Another week and another player in the top 10 promotion!
"eudodo" just made it and as before we ask him to share a few comments with the tuktuk community :).
Here is an extract of that interview:
Tuk: "Could you please give us a short description of you and your poker career?"
"eudodo": "I am 33 years old, living in London and playing poker a bit longer than a half year. Actually, I started playing poker just before I found PS site.
At the start I played mainly in tournaments. I still remember these freelrolls with over thousand of participants and the fact that usually I got busted on a bubble. It was a long lesson.
In meantime I started reading a lot about poker. There is a lot of books about fixed limit and I took this direction. The content of PS site consolidated my knowledge and it helped me a lot. Now I feel that I am 'fixed' for life."
Tuk: "Do you still remember how did you find tuktukbkk.blogspot.com?"
"eudodo": "I found tuktukbkk.blogspot.com on some site with poker news. There was a brief info about tuktuk-TAF model and PS."
Tuk: "What made you register?"
"eudodo": "At the start I was sceptical but I decided to have a look and see. I thought that as long as I do not need to pay anything and submit certain personal details I cannot lose anything. If you want to play poker you definitely need to take a risk, so it was not a huge decision. However, in case of tuktuk-TAF model and PS site, there was no risk involved. (I could have go all-in)"
Tuk: "What do you think of this "tuktuk" model of giving back the TAF (Tell-a-friend) money?"
"eudodo": "This is a kind of extension of TAF system that offers PS. And a pleasant surprise. Here again, you cannot lose anything but you can gain a little extra and if you want you can have some connection with other members of PS via Tuk."
Tuk: "To whom would you suggest this type of model?"
"eudodo": "The model is for everyone. Once you understood that registering directly to a poker room is usually the worst option (most often you do not get the best deal with your first deposit or rake-back - sometimes no rake-back!), you will appreciate the value of registering via various sites that offer you something extra.
Tuk: "Anything special message you would like to leave for those who arestill in doubt that this is for real and it works?"
"eudodo": "Doubts? You have 30 seconds to respond ... Decision making is a key point in poker."
Tuk: "And any hints/tips you would like to leave for those still runningtowards the 5000 StrategyPoints mark?"
"eudodo": "Try to be consistent and work on your game. Check the site you are playing on and the number of points that you can get. It is very tough to get more points on micro-limits on a site like for example Poker Stars, where they do not count partial points. (this suppose to be changed in the nearest future). But the key is to improve your game. With time you will change your limit and everything will accelerate. Good luck at the tables!"
Thank you so much "eudodo" for an excellent interview!!!
Please consider also the confirmation of the payment of $100 to your Full Tilt account as you requested:
What are you waiting for? Get on board and start playing with our free money! The TukTuk Poker model rocks! :)
All the best,

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