I have reached the 13 friends mark today after a lot of effort promoting this new idea.
In general people do not receive the message as truthful or they just thing is another scam or spam message. It is not! I will pay back the refer-a-friend money.
I would like to ask my registered friends if they allow me to publish their usernames. If possible send me a quick email or comment with your approval. The reason Im asking is for others to see that I am not lying and if they want they can always look for your usernames at the tables and ask if this is true.
Here are the latest statistics (I will try to build a nice graph for next update!):
Registered - 13
Passed the quiz - 4
Received the intial 50 USD - 2
Have done 15 strategypoints = 5 USD from me - 0
Have done 100 strategypoints = 7.5 USD from me - 0
Have done 800 strategypoints = 100 USD from pokerstrategy - 0
Have done 5000 strategypoints = 50 USD from me - 0
Total collected from Poker Industry - 100 USD
Total given back by me = 0 USD
I believe that on my next update I will be start giving the money I receive! Good luck at the tables!
Best regards,

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